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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I operate my antique/hobby boiler in the state of Kansas?
yes, assuming it can pass the current kaseea safety inspection and the operator is licensed by kaessa.
an unlicensed operator is allowed under the supervision of a licensed operator.
2. who is kaessa?
The Kansas antique engine steam safety association (kaessa) was incorporated March 30, 1976, as a nonprofit kansas corporation to establish and enforce rules and regulations for the inspection and operation of antique steam boilers as well as hobby and model boilers fired for public demonstration in the state of kansas. authorized by the kansas legislature as part of the kansas boiler safety act, ksa 44913, the associations's commissioned inspectors are licensed special inspectors
by the state of kansas.
3. what does kaessa do?
the kansas antique engine show safety association is dedicated to the preservation of that part of america's agricultural and industrial heritage made possible by the intensive use of steam power. to ensure the safe demonstration and operation of original as well as replicas and model steam engines. rules and regulatioms have been
developed by the association and approved by the state. other codes and historical sources of boiler information have been cited. These includes the american society of mechanical engineers (asme) boiler and pressure vessel code and the kansas boiler safety act.
4. who runs the kaessa?
the membership consists of one voting representative from each organization. the member organization are those that pay dues. the organizations have ongoing public events that may display operating equipment powered by steam. officers serve a term of one year and are elected at the annual meeting.
5. who are the special inspectors?
the term "special inspector" is defined by the state. since the member organizations are scattered about the stare, they supply candidates for inspectors to service their local event. those candidates
must pass a written test, demonstrate inspection competence, and be approved by the kaessa chief inspectors (an elected position). kaessa submits a list of inspectors to the state who approves the inspectors and issues them a "special inspector" card.
6. what is the safety inspection?
it is as outlined in the kansas antique engine show association (kaessa) rules and regulations which are available on this website.
7. who would do the inspection?
you would need to contact the organization holding the event you would like to attend. They would provide their authorized inspector. alternately, you can contact kaessa directly for a referral.
8. what would the inspection cost?
inspectors are authorized to charge up to $25.00 per hour plus mileage and travel costs. inspectors have the authority to wave fees at their election.
9. how often will i need an inspection?
initially, there is a full visual inspection, ultrasound inspection, and hydro-test. once that is done,then annually there is a visual inspection and hydro-test. engines stored inside will have a
ultrasound inspection every five years. engines stored outside will be visually inspected, have an ultrasound inspection and a hydro-test performed annually.
10. where would the inspection take place?
this would be worked out with the inspector you have contacted. if the machine is large, it may be best that you have the initial inspection at your location before you haul your machine to a show site. it
may require reimbursement for the inspector. if there are any deficiencies, it would give you time to correct them before hauling to you chose event.
11. is there anything i need to do to prepare for an inspection?
Generally, the boiler need to be cleaned and all hand hole covers removed. if an ultrasound inspection is required, you will need to remove the grates and clean out the firebox. if the inspector is at your site, electrical power and water is necessary. to complete the hydro-test portion, a means to fill the boiler with water. the owner is responsible for providing all gasket and expendable supplies.
12. how hard is the operator's license test?
it is basic open book test plus hands on competency with a boiler. no specific age limit for a license. the study guide is available on this website.
13. who administers the operator test?
a kaessa special inspector or one of the chief boiler inspectors. usually it is the inspector for the local show or one of the special inspectors assigned to support the event.
14. what if i am a new owner and not totally proficient in boiler operation?
the inspector will judge your competency as part of the test. he may recommend more operating time before his approval. there are many operators around, he may recommend some for you to contact to help with training. usually, there are some at each show happy to provide guidance.
15. is attendance at any "steam school" sufficient for an operator's license?
all educational opportunities are encouraged but not currently required for a kansas operators license. To obtain a kansas operate license, individuals must successfully pass a written test and a
performance test evaluated by a licensed inspector.
16. Are any other state's operators licenses valid in the state of kansas?
Not at this time.
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